JCC Lock presented in front of vehicles.


New Standard of License Plate

Your license plate will be fully secured with our security screws. And if it needs, you can remove your license plate with special removing tool.

JCC Lock

Recommended by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. Certified as Recognition of Better Security System (RBSS).

License plates are often stolen and misused

They are…

-attached to stolen vehicles or vehicles for drug trafficking,

-attached to stolen motorcycles for the purpose of snatching,

-attached to vehicles for murder, burglar, kidnap or other vicious crimes,

and used for other secondary crimes

It is complicated and bother you

If you have your license plate stolen,

-you can't use your vehicle or motorcycle and your work and everyday life will be greatly affected

-you will have to go through the complicated bureaucratic procedure to re-issue your license plate

Examples of use:


crime prevention by police station

measure of license plate theft by auto dealer

measure of vehicle trouble by insurance company

Mandated to use our screw for license plate of all vehicle in MONGOLIA

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